Last night I noticed quite a few (5+) games by the same player, the games didn't time out / go away. I joined a few of the games, and cleared the maps on a some.

The host did not switch to me or anyone in the game even though I was the first to join. I did a /hostinfo and it was some player that wasn't even in the game!

Seems to be a bug with the transfer of the host. When they leave it isn't transferring to the next player that joined. I haven't seen the new vote to boot system working either

Also, more of a suggestion.. on the Public Balefort Sewer games..make them min level 50..also, could we have vote to boot or the first person in the public game gets host? It happens quite often on these games a low level im talking levels 1-10 jumps in and ruins the game for the rest of us. I know should host my own games but sometimes its fun to just jump into a quick game.