So recently i have been slowly getting tired of playing. Dont get me wrong, i still enjoy somehow, but ive realized i enjoy it cuz of my friends and not the game itself anymore. Just recently i tried this new mmorpg on playstore (not released on ios yet and also not released to a few other countries yet i assume) called Dragon Nest: Labyrinth. The gameplay was great and i enioyed it but it didnt my heart away from al due to some cons. First is its a lil buggy, freezes sometimes. Second, not much players yet, for all i know this has just been released two weeks ago. Third is culture shock, the part in al where u go to different towns and just see other players and chill with ur friends arent there, the town basically just shows u and the chat box and ofc the background. The part where ur a newbie and u decide to run a map and suddenly meet pugs arent there too so yeah it kinda bored me. The good thing tho is that the skills/pvp battles are amazing. Its balanced, and really takes skills since a lot of he skills can be dodged. Im currently playing a warrior and so far the skills look like a barrage of cool combos that sends enemies knocked back or stunned. Thw con again btw is u can only do 1 pvp tourney a day -.- . but then it hit me. What if sts imports these into one of their games. I know if they do, it cant be al, al as it was once said wud be the last of the Legends series of games, and ofc, theres just too much to change if they decide to apply this on al. So how about a new mmorpg? One where it takes skills, lots of it, where players can figure out their own set of combos and such, where pvp is very balanced and no class is considered better than the other. Where the best items are farmable and isnt too op. And ofc, combined with the traditional spacetime ways of socialization. I dont know how to descibe what my brain says but i suggest u guys try it out so ull know what im talking about. If it doesnt work for ur country, get a vpn. Cheers!