I don't understand exactly how pvp works, but I do know that PvP is very hard to get. I ask some people for help they make me pay 100k-500k on tutorials that don't even help. I have a Dex bird lvl 20 and i always lose in PvP to other people. DexBears are the hardest people to fight. If i fight a lvl 10 DexBear i always lose no matter what. There are also some IntBears that are hard to fight also. I can only kill bears with no ranged weps, birds with a talon and shield, mages with a staff for a wep, and sometimes IntBears. I got a build from someone and it isn't working out that great. I have 283 kills and 76 deaths. I see some people with 5000+ kills and 120 deaths. I have a frosty launcher purple lvl 20, Dark forest leather of finesse and assains helm. I versed a Lvl 20DexBear with a lvl 10 green frosty launcher, this random "trash" armor and no helm and I still lost. Im not good or bad at pvp, but I would like to get better at it. I try my best kite, use combos, try and get the best gear (that i can afford). Can someone help with PvP I will make a new char and start fresh again.

I can't pay you anything! Please help a person in need.