Yaaaaaay....thx at least I can saw progres on my mage now....thx a lot,and apologize for rude or rant post and threads that I was ever made.

And about mage as crowds control class. Will u guys considering for boss and some mob who have imunity againts mage skill,to be at least have a chance to be stun/freeze (10 % or 25% maybe).

- Rog crit stack,debuff armor,crit debuff,dmg debuff always work againts all mob and boss in arlor.

- War all taunt skill have effect on mob and boss (except when rog/mage do huge amount of dmg,but that bcoz out side influence not from war skill system it self).

If boss and some mob have imunity againts rog crit,debuff armor/crit/damage and war taunt skill,I guest there will no mages will complain about our lack of crowds control ability.

Wish devs / mods wanna share their opinions about this . Once again thx a lot