There's so many threads going on about sns and to clarify sns was a mistake it made the rich to OP I understand that people farmed there *** off trying to get on the leaderboard to achieve this pet or instead bought it for a lot of gold let me get back to the point sns was a mistake and bringing it back will just make things worse in al. There will be more sns users and others won't be able to have a chance at being a Better Pvper or leaderboard runner just imagine if this years ursoth event brand sns back since 30 eggs were given out last year and they release another 30. That's only 60 eggs in total that's no way near how much people want it so when those eggs get opened people will complain again saying they missed the event or it was to expensive sns deserves to stay exclusive the more they bring into the game the more the game dies already people mentioned arcane legends in dead because of how op sns is and the arcane ring and here there's people wanting sns to return it's not a good idea it will ruin most of the game why doesn't people want another arcane pet instead you never know how good or not the other one will be. I'm just saying if sns returns imagine how arcane legends will be in a year. Same people running for leaderboard same people always dominating in pvp and we don't want that. The old days were great and now look what's happened to the game it's getting worse by update so bringing a exclusive pet back is making it worse if you missed out on ursoth event that's not my problem it's returning again but with a different egg I missed the ursoth event as well and I want sns too like everyone else but I'm not desperate im doing fine without sns and all of you can do fine without it as well it's a game guys don't take everything seriously al isn't going to last forever to make the most out of it and enjoy on the other note plat spenders might be a bit mad about the fact of taking it seriously but that's fine if you do because im a plat spender as well but most people complain about the crates system etc and event leaderboards if you are mad just don't spend plat anymore it's simple.

Ps: I know many people on this thread will have a rant but oh well I just wanted to point out something. Enjoy and make arcane legends last