Quote Originally Posted by raw View Post
Seems like its been nerfed again, or I just have terrible luck. In the past 2 weeks i've logged about 200 runs and I've seen one drop.

Like Kali said. lol @ the luck system in this game. I still don't understand why I need to open thousands of arena crates for a chance at obtaining a fossil. Has anyone ever heard of ANYONE looting fossil from arena chests? I know there have been names put out there but who can confirm that theirs didn't just come from crates?

Not to derail your topic Sera, but @ anyone who farms Arena, or any upper elite (Nordr, Shuyal, Tindirin, Planar Tombs), how much do you spend on elixirs, potions, ankhs and how much do you make on average?
It all depends on luck.

There are days that I spend 200-300k on farming (ankh kits, elixir kits, pots, etc) with nothing to show for it.

Then, there are days where I loot a couple of planar chests, a few Elite Golden Dragonchests, AND save up enough fragments to buy and sell Breeze. Days like this, I can profit almost 2 million.

I am generally a slow net positive, but, to be honest, it is a real grind trying to have positive cashflow through farming alone.

There are weeks that I turn a profit of 4m, and there are weeks where I spend 2m with nothing to show. In the past month, I believe I am up about 3-4m total. But, keep in mind that this includes many, many runs with pro parties. Typically, when I run with PUGs I am net negative, since farming is slow and death counts/pot consumption are high.