I know I know. Would be much cooler if it was all three in one but no such luck.

So the rules; my three mains are Warrior pirate, my Mythic mage, and a supervillian/anti-hero type Rogue. The total score will be for all three banners.

For the pirate warrior banner, the name is Abefaaris and his pet of choice, for obvious reasons, is Ripmaw. His name and the saying "Better to die fighting as a warrior, than die running as a coward," are the only requisite text to add. Pirate themed, have fun with the design.

For the mythic mage, his name is Kiemaca and his pet of choice is Blinky. Again, the text being his name and "Magic is everywhere, close your eyes and open your mind,/it comes from within." Again, just have fun with the background. I've kind of been floating on a universe-y theme.

For the rogue, her name is DominoeHarvey and her running pet is Abaddon. She's got an Arkham City Harley Quinn kinda look to her and varies between undead and red founder gear. Text is her name and "Sometimes the world needs a villain to be a hero." Darker theme than the other two for sure.

All three: I'd like to see either a drawn design or overlay of each character in the banner. I know we don't have a lot of room to work with but a guy can dream.

Ranking - Other posters opinions are going to play a part in this. Once the deadline hits there will be a post made in general discussion for fellow posters to rate each submission out of 10. Their total scores will be 60% of the total score. I will be the other 40% and post my own votes in the same thread so there's no hinky problems with total outcome.

Deadline: Deadline for submissions will be May 1st. The voting thread will be open for 3days after that.


First place winner gets to choose their preference of all prizes listed. Second through third prizes will bump accordingly based on the winners choice. In order, the prizes are

-Mage Red Founders vanity set
-Grimm Egg
-Rogue Red Jester vanity set