Hai bodyevery

After 6months away Ive come back to see that many items have jumped 100-300% in worth. I mean who in the world is coming up with these prices. Its not like there are less of these so called discontinued items. Ive seen more Elites and party hats than ever before.

There is no real farming in this game anymore its hard to find one decent farming run for anything besides fang or if you wanted to join a random bs or bsm run where you run with 3-4 guys max.

Even less people are on now and the gold gap between players is larger than ever. It looks like the elite will stay elite and the newbies will have to put even more time into getting anywhere near a endgame or a pvp set.

So many old players and friends have gone and sold their gold and accounts not to mention elites thats its hard to believe who got what legitimately these days. Sad sad realization today.

PL rant of the day