Quote Originally Posted by Serancha View Post
The planar tombs were designed to give end-gamers a reason to strive to obtain good gear. They are NOT made for newly capped players in crate gear.

After all, why should someone who has been playing a week be able to do all the same things that someone who has worked their butt off for 2 years can? There are elite maps in all difficulty levels from super easy to Planar Tombs. Start at the beginning and work up. Yes, I know it's challenging to earn money at this point in time, but it isn't impossible. You don't need arcane to run arena - it can be done without excess difficulty wearing icescale gear and using a pet like Blinky.

I don't find the planar tombs profitable in any case, since nobody is going to spend a pile to get imbued this close to the end of a level cap. Yes, the maps will be scaled up when we go to 46, so using crappy gear now isn't going to help you out. You want the best you can afford, since the start of season (with the exception of last expansion with the itemization disaster) is traditionally the best time to race to elites and get the new items to sell for profit.

By the way, if you're willing to work hard, there's no reason to be poor. Even I manage to earn my keep, and I have possibly the worst luck documented in the community.
"2 years to work their butts off? " more like popped locks for a week
other than the imbued set, everything is lock obtainable and hence you see people with even maxed out gear complaining about map difficulty :/
Tombs are 'easily' doable with myth weapon and pinks and 'manageable' with all pinks as long as the player is experienced.
AL has become more plat-dependent than skill-dependent