This was the first time in pocket legend i faced this kind of scam. It was your common scam to try to make you give out your email and password. Lol I was using iphone and i personally thought it was the lamest attempt lol. At first i brought some items from him after the transaction, he started talking about how he can double my gold and platinum with this new hack that he has. Then being the curious fellow i am i said sure come over here and explain to me. He then told me he has this new app for hacking PL and that he can help me just this once. Long story short he said he needed my password and email so that he can log on and download it. So i said sure no problem i give you a different account he said he cant cuz he needed the one i was on. I asked why and he said because of the computer code lol he clearly has no experience with computer programs of any kind lol. Afterwards i felt so sorry for him i told him he should make it sound more convincing and that i wont report him lol but i did lol.