Hi Devs

There are 2 things that have been bugging me ever since i started playing PL of which i think should be great if you could improve on.

1) passwords lock to maps - passwords lock should not only lock out players out of the friends list but players within the friends list as well. They should only be join-able when the host gives the password to his friends who are joining him. So only people who knows the password can join the host.

2) Invites to map message - Make the fonts small, shift this huge message to the message box or somewhere else where it does not block most the screen. Its a buggar to be engross in a elite mob and boss fight (especially when solo-ing) and suddenly a huge invite message pops up and blocks most of the screen and the next time you know you are KO-ed. It gets worse when the invites keeps appearing over and over for many times.

Anyone with the same sentiments as me?