Hi, this MAY or MAY NOT be Pocket Legends, but I am 99% sure that it is. Whenever I open the app, it asks for my iTunes password at some point after it opens. It gets annoying, and I don't want to have to constantly give the app my password, so I click cancel. I notice it happens when I lock it and open it while the app is still running as well, or when I get the 20% battery warning when in-game. Even if I'm not connected to the internet, and open it, as soon as I get connected again, it asks for my password outside of the app. So it is always enacted after I open pocket legends, even with no internet. I am almost positive it isn't my iPod, as it only happens after I open Pocket Legends, not when I'm browsing the web or using other apps. Or if I use other apps right when I turn on my iPod, it doesn't affect them, so I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Pocket Legends. It would be ideal if it only requested it once or you could set it to not ask constantly Or is there a fix for this already in options?