@Mooger: I've been using this for the last few days and it works for me. The additional break armor press between SS and BS gives enough time for the combo to chain up.

@Physio & @WhoIsThis: I've been wanting to sell that L.55 recipe for custom gemstone leather of mine, but I don't know if the sensible thing to do would be to keep it for a dual setup.
The difference between a pure RR and the customised one is 2 dex and 6 damage instead of 6H/S.
6 damage is also 6 additional dps -> only 360 damage in a minute. Bosses usually go down faster than that, and taking into consideration that most bosses have "14 900" health, this is a meagre tradeoff for:
Comparatively, 6H/s is a nice addition to health pot usage reduction in an unbalanced party.

What are your thoughts on the matter?