Hello, dear moderators,Developers, and fellow members, I have understood PL,DL, and SL will not be updated any longer, at least for a while.
Im sure my posts are becoming extremely annoying to the forum about how much I love pocket legends and nothing alike it or anything else that represents mobile gaming, But I am hoping sometime in a month or some time after or before that start adding small patches not of the biggest kind but something that will attract more new players and keep them to stay, it helps them know that STS still cares.

Update Suggestions: weather/day and night effects, Expansion of towns and maps, New soundtrack (there counted are about 3-5),Word Engine (I got muted for saying "Spice" !!!!?? What!!??), I have more ideas but dont leave me hanging Devs, Can you give an exact date when your going to update again? or tell me why the updates stopped.