As we all know, every Class has gotten a skill that lets us leap forwards and is usually a very effective Way of Traveling, right?

Mages have their gale winds or whatever It's called,
Warriors have their skyward smash.
Then we have rogues... Shadow piercer...

This skill actually has, in my knowledge, the biggest range of any skill in the game along with warriors axe throw, with 16 meters...
That SOUNDS great and all, but the extreme range is my problem at the moment...

With this range it often leads to me piercing into a enemy i though was dead, That is,more than often, outside my screen!
Starting to see the problem?

Well, anyway, my suggestion is to EITHER add some sort of block to prevent the pierce from hitting enemies outside of screen, or just shorten the range to the same range as the other rogue skills, that I have never noticed going out of screen.

(Yes I am pissed for dying in FRICKEN normal Nordr because of piercing into undead spiders lol)