Immediately after the expansion rolled out, I realized that certain stats for gears have changed. My character now has lower HP than previous as well Mana. This has proved to be detrimental to my build. I lost 80 Mana and over 100HP. I hope this is a bug and was not done intentionally. My future plans for my warrior build has now been ruined. Also on the moral aspect, do you guys think it's fair? To change the stats of items on a whim without informing the general public? Idk if it was done to accommodate new coming gears but you guys need to tend to this matter. Many other people also have this issue, then there's some people who didn't even realize their stats have changed. I need STS to clarify this up for me. If it was done intentionally explain why, and if it is a bug please work diligently to squash it, thank you.

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