Quote Originally Posted by Kingofninjas View Post
LOL! This post really gave me a good laugh. You fight 5 against 4 after blocking, and yet cannot handle being ganged. Hypocrisy at its best here.
I gave you the explanation that i was new to pvp, u were winning most of the time against us, i repeateadly while in the clash told everyone that i do this for fun only, i spoke with meltedice one warrior in ur team, btw it was three warriors and u the rogue so dont forget the tank stacking, and melte explained everything to me and was cool with me afterwards. yAnd now, 1-2 months after it happened ur still butthurt about it? Im sorry but thats not my problem anymore, anyone whos been with me in pvp knows that i absolutely despise gangers, the food ganging is impossible to prevent though, a 2.3k health mage with 300 dmg in lvl 46 pvp is going to be hunted by everyone, but even in that case i try to get the people to take turns, first u then me and so on. Anyway yeah if someone gangs me and im good enough to kill him one on one i will hunt him, and if the oppurtinty is there i will gang him back. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.