
I'm not known at all throughout the AL community, so I'd first like to introduce myself. I have been playing Pocket Legends since the first month it came out (5 years ago) and have been part of this STS community through it all. My PL ign is Ghost.

I played AL when it first came out - I became bored of the PvP and grinding, and quit.

However, I was tempted to come back only because I think the graphics are stunning, and maybe I could invest a little more time into AL. That said, I have created a Mage. Zeus was helpful to give me some advice, but I figured it would make sense to ask the community. I'm really into PvP - the grinding and all that stuff is bread and butter to me - I host(ed) several tournaments in PL. The core of these games for me is the PvP.

So I have some questions:

1) I decided I wanted to skip the leveling and do the auto-level to 41 (which I'll go back and do the maps... and I know I need to level to 46 for endgame I believe). How effective are mages in PvP? What's a common/your version of a "best" build? (Any links for a nice build would be great... I'll be looking around as well).

2) Is it even worth it to invest my time into getting the "best" gear? In PL it is relatively simple... but as far as I can remember, all of the Arcane items costed anywhere from 20-50mill gold (which to me was impossible to obtain, only because I'm too impatient). Is that still the same? Should I even bother going for any of these items, or are there alternatives items that I can use that will still allow me to compete? I'm really pumped to hop into PvP, but if it's too difficult to get any of the items, then I won't even bother.

3) What are the current maps that people farm at now? What dungeons are the big money-makers?

4) How much skill is necessary for AL PvP?

I will probably have several more questions later, but if anyone could answer these questions, that would be awesome. Also, feel free to add me: Polyox

I'll definitely be looking for a guild to join Would love to get to know some of the people around here!