Ello, your friendly neighborhood swamp thing here.

I wanted to bring this discussion up because I felt like it was something that was an important issue that is not nearly talked about enough. People who actually use forums or even visit it make up only about 1% of the AL community in game. That means only a small amount of people are taking advantage of something that gives you a huge heads up to whatever is coming, going, or just passing through the game,a much farther heads up then anyone who plays the game exclusively gets. Before I joined the AL forums community (and before I even knew it existed) , I honestly had no clue when something important was going to come, I just logged on and saw something new had been added, much to my great delight. However, due to the fact that I had no idea when something was coming, or being discontinued, I never succeeded very much in saving valuable items. Now that I am a forums member, and quite actively read, comment, and examine posts, I know know when some item is going to leave, where I can loot this item, hints on how to defeat a boss et cetera. What I want to know is this, why don't the average players, (some who don't even have time to be on forums) get this same kind of knowledge that we do, but in the game. It does not have to be EVERY LITTLE BIT OF INFORMATION, but something greater then what we get on the log in page, maybe like a NPC in every town that says something like ("blank item" to be discontinued at the end of the month. Get yours while you can.) I think that this would greatly help the average player.

But this is just my two cents. :-O twoc... I know now

P.S. This is meant to be a constructive thread, if it some how offends you, (not sure how that is even possible), then don't comment, just shut down your computer and do something amazing in the IRL world. Either be USEFUL or gtfo.

P.P.S. I really hope Katie says yes to the dress.