Quote Originally Posted by Ticklish View Post
Yes, yes. THANK YOU for working hard to bring us new content. BUT, we already have old content that we LOVE so much. All it needs is also a little loving from you guys to update loot or even quests so we can play around Arlor, not just Ren'gol. Heck, I even miss Palm Rock Island and Lost Cove!
I think Palm Rock and Lost Cove are a great example--the elite versions scale to 36 while the normal ones scale to 46 (an exception to old normal maps, showing that any map can be scaled up i assume). It would be great to see old elite maps scaled, and certainly this idea has popular support, as is evident from any discussion on it in the forums. However putting new loot in makes the project huge, from what I've read.

So i thinking, why not scale a couple elite maps here and there with updates? For example, a scaled up to 46 elite Palm Rock Island and Lost Cove, with some new interesting loot, could be added to an update. This way, scaling old elites could be done in small chunks and be a manageable project, and we could begin to play these older elites, which have great designs, the way they were meant to played.

Just an idea, i don't know what's practical from the developers' end. I was going to put this idea--scaling up old elites bit by bit in updates--in the suggestions section, but i may as well post it here.