Since played for more 3 years, I have enjoy many things in AL. The Goblin event, the Halloween event and more. I see the expansion map what the STS had make. Im really enjoyed that.More things I want to say that I really enjoyed what you guys did. But, one things I really really really pissed of this word ( NOOB and NAB )from another players and made community was too upset for me. What I want do hope from you guys STS is just a small favor , NOOB or NAB put as not suitable word to use for players and muted them for those use that words. It will helps the community better and all players get the respect all level. Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone. No bad words. Respect. That all I want. All players respect each other. Even they pro or not, respect. That will make Arcane Legends best of the best. Sorry if I use very simple English but hope you get the main points.