People should have better etiquette when it comes to PL.

I did my first run in the Swill Pitz. I joined ultimatejrods game, who was on my friends list. When we got to the Goblin King, he said "watch the totem". As the fight progressed, me and another guy stayed on the king, who was on the wall about halfway between the door and the totem. Then jrod tells us to bring the king near the top of the room. We do that. Then he starts saying "WTF" and "what are you doing". I told him he said to watch the totem. I left the game. He then messages me and tells me that when the totem turns green, attack it and to quit playing like a noob. I asked him how many times had I done that stage. He says "How the **** am I supposed to know" and "You were just standing there not doing ****" then drops me from friend list.

I then join another game. When we get to King, someone said when totem glows, attack it so the king can't heal himself. I've killed him every time since.

Why can't people explain what needs to be done, or when playing with a new group, ask everyone if they know what to do??

People need to realize in the end, this is a game that most play for fun. You will never turn your PL gold into real money, and that is not a real sword you are buying. Have fun with the game and treat the other players with respect.