Quote Originally Posted by Maarkus View Post
Hi Ener,

Based on my experience the Taunt system is sombroken that no matter how much a Warrior taunts it is immediately overitten by the DPS classes when they crit or release a damage ouput greater that the warrior (which is the case all the time) meaning we may be taunting but this is less than a second or two in the end we cannot hold aggro. If STS aplies a 'hold' period for 3-4sec per taunt then maybe we can hold aggro and that a bit complicated to code in i think ... I may be wrong.

Idealy when the war myth procs and taunts if it can stun as well that will help assuming that the threat meter of the mob will start after the stun period then that means the proc will actually help the war maintain aggro for 2-3secs atleast giving the dps class free reign to deal their damage.

This is just a suggestion and i may be wrong.

I still see the main issue of warriors being alientated in the pve runs as:
1. Why taunt when other classes can kill the mobs much faster thus 3rogue and mage parties are currently the best combi
2. It is inevitable to get one hit in the runs so maximise the damage output to lessen the chances of mobs to release thier special attacks
3. The game has reached a point where offense is the best defense thus the warrior class being a defensive class is left behind.

Thanks for reading and if it doesnt make sense apologies and pls ignore.

You go gurl. Tell em!

And to the other folks who said hi Zeus... I think he ignored us. How rude