Quote Originally Posted by Skvll View Post
If you don't like what you're seeing don't view this thread. It's simple. Last time I check it's a community type of thread so we can discuss and debate and comment if we'd like to. Just state your opinion about what lvls should be played and leave this thread if you don't like it. If you consider debates as childish then lol at you.
You're not the only one who's posted in this thread, so please don't tell me to not view this thread.

This is community thread with the OP requesting advice on an problem. You and others have instead turned it into let's bash at the other person because I'm better than you, my brackets is better than yours, you farm only noobs, etc.... It's not a debate but back and forth jibes.

On another note let's not fool ourselves lv23 seems to be dying. If people want to play fast paced they better just go endgame but the OP doesn't want that hence he made this thread. He is welcome and many others to come to "baby brackets" pvp.

Let's get back on topic

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