I messed up and posted this feedback in the patch thread, so apologies there. :-)

There are three key points that create big issues for this game.

Class Balance:

The warrior class is very unbalanced, and obviously so. The warrior class has essentially the ability to heal themselves, get the best armor, and solid DPS. Warrior classes should have a high AC and be able to take an immense beating, but they should not be able to heal themselves and should not put out DPS anywhere near what an archer or dps-based mage can. Potions in general make this class too powerful.

Archers are about spot on in my opinion (maybe reduce their AC just a touch, but that's debatable). Mages got some improvement with the last patch. However, the healer + warrior dynamic that forms a fundamental teamwork dynamic for MMOs is completely lacking. I went on farming runs last night and did better by having the entire group run with all warriors + archers than mages (especially healers). For those of us who love playing the healing class, we're getting screwed in this game.


The potion use in this game makes it way unbalanced, giving the most benefit to warriors, archers, then mages from the standpoint of being solo-"uber." The potions need to have a use timer so that they cannot just be spammed. The use timer should not be any quicker than the heal spell the healer uses, in my opinion the heal potion timer should equal 1.5 times the healer spell.

Why? Because this creates tactical use of the heal potion for the players and increases the reliance on teamwork through the use of complimentary classes.

The mana potion should also be on a timer, forcing people to manage their mana and be more strategic in how they cast and leverage auto-attack (AA) damage.

Potion use in this game creates a highly independent, unbalanced approach. Just observe any warrior with decent gear or archer with good gear.

Zone Progression in Campaigns:

I'm a big believerin offering people the opportunity to either solo or group up.

In my opinion, the best loot acquired in the game should be collected through balanced grouping where skill and individual proffeciency with their class (and the ability to work with and for others) allows the group to overcome the most difficult obstacles. This loot should be the best in both performance and looks relative to all other loot, and should be the most difficult to earn.

Solid "fundamental" loot should be able to be acquired by soloers who do not want to deal with the headaches of finding and dealing with a group, so that they can still play in group campaigns.

Purchased through the store should be a touch less in performance than solo acquired loot, though an incentive for purchased loot could be slightly "cooler" looks over solo loot.

The loot scenario should match the campaign progression in my opinion. The first one to three zones in a campaign should be soloable or duable, with it getting progressively more difficult. The last few zones should be challenging and require a full, balanced group (tank, healer, dps, dps/utility).

The current flow kind of tries to follow this, but between the issues of class balance and potion mechanics, this ultamitelty isn't the case. I've run the entire "mardi growl" zone with two people, which is supposed to be the most challenging. (??)


I'm really interested in hearing other peoples feedback. Based on discussions with other really good players in-game, the same observations seem to be universally noticed. I enjoy the game, and know it's still in its infancy, but do hope to see more game balance brought in sooner than later. This should be done before work is spent on things like housing and pets in my opinion. An auction house is a good priority, but balance needs to be worked into this game asap if you really want it to be the EQ or WoW of mobile devices (which it has the potential to be!)