Diplomacy aside....

I got an idea...

Lets add crafting that makes gear worse than what we started with. Forget about how much effort can go into crafting a complete set.
Lets add levels that are impossible to achieve (unless you started out with a lot of gold from farming caves during the lucrative era and can xp pot all day long or can spend 8 hours a day farming). I certainly can't afford the elixers AND buy gear. Heck... I can't do either. 80,000 XP? RLY? 900,000 for a shield? RLY?
Speaking of gear, lets limit the drops so that a complete set of armor and weapons costs about 2 million in gold (which is equivalant to more than $700 if you were to buy Platinum to by that Gold).
Lets make it so that a player can go from level 53 to 56 (no simple task) and not get a single pink item.
Lets create a bunch of new quests in the lower levels so that 50+ players flood CS with sub 50 gear further damaging the economy.
Lets get rid of XP in the most difficult map(s) in the game (caves).

Lets make being a bear or bird basically worthless. ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY MAGE! A group of mages can clear a map pretty quick... can a group of bears? Doesn't that put bears at a disadvantage in gold and drops? I am quite certain it does. Who wants a party of bears? There's always room for another mage...

And finally, lets make it even more time consuming to gain XP by slowing game play and removing the one feature that gives bears its strength. Lets remove the bears ability to evade/taunt/beckon/stomp. We are only lowly bears... who cares?

I am fortunate in that I have received more than my share of pinks (qty wise) in the sewers compared to other players but has it been enough for me to acquire the gear I want or need? Not even close.
I've had 3 or 4 drops and have been doing sewers since it came out. Is that a lot of drops? Yeah..., it is, if you talk to the many people who have had NONE.

Are you making the game better or worse for the new people trying to get to the top or are you focused on slowing the top down? Your changes are having adverse effects on the game despite your best intentions. How is it affecting the new players?
I would NOT want to be a new player in this game... and in fact, am questioning whether I want to continue playing it at all.
Do I want to spend months trying to acquire a shield for my bear that costs 900,000 in gold?

Do I think any of this will get changed any time soon?
No... not rly.

What's next, 120,000xp levels and even less drops? An even more immasculated bear?
Ooooh... can't wait.

If you aren't going to fix any of that, how about you fix some of the bugs instead?
"Recuve" Bow... rly? You haven't noticed that? How long is it going to say that?

There is a lot you can be doing with UI... how about working on that too.