Alright, so yesterday someone was saying something about how they got killed by a team mate in the Swamps, but it quickly got dismissed by others.

Around 2 hours ago, I was on my 33 Bow Bear (Dodgethis) in the Swamps doing Mardi Growl.

During the Le'Chomp fight I died, and got rezzed.
When I was rezzed, I pressed the auto attack button, only to see our healer die.
Guess who my target line was pointing towards and I was locked onto ? That's right, the Enchantress.
I think his name was Mopeace.

Around 20 minutes later I was doing Bye Bayou, died, got rezzed, pressed auto attack, suddenly I killed our tank. I was locked onto him, with the target line clearly showing that I was attacking him.
Even when he died, I was still targeted to him, and I had to tap my character to untarget him.

That's as much info as I could gather, hopefully this'll help you (Spacetime) when fixing it.
Unless it's intended ofcourse, but I hardly think so.