Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
Hey - sorry for not responding to this thread when it was introduced...

I am very strongly against showing your targets' health bars in Arena combat. As a result I have convinced the rest of the team here at Spacetime to hold on making any changes to the system for now

My reasoning is: you can target from any distance in the arena and once you can see health bars you will (wisely) attack only the weakest character on the opposing team. This will expedite your team victories but in many multiple games this will get very boring... and will motivate anyone with less than 100% health to quit the instance to preserve their Kills / Deaths ratio (which will become much more meaningful in the future as we develop leaderboards, etc.).

Pocket Legends PvP is way more fun with this thin shroud of mystery.

So - this issue may certainly come up again (as do all issues relevant to PvP) over time - but for now, there will be no enemy health-bars in PvP Arenas.


- Cinco
Well, that's disappointing. I would totally like to be able to know at what perfect moment to blast shot a ho.