Hey all!

A number of changes to the Warriors' Juggernaut ability went in in yesterday's update and there's been a lot of talk about it on the forums so far. Please use this official feedback thread to give us your thoughts and opinions on the changes. Here's an overview of what went in:

Base Juggernaut: Grants you Juggernaut for 15 sec, temporarily increasing your max health by 17.5% of your armor, or 25% if charged.
This is a change from a flat 300 HP and 500 HP when charged. Now it scales!

Juggernaut's Second Wind:
While Juggernaut is active, If you fall below 40% health every hit you take you will have a 50% chance to cast a self heal.
This is a change from falling below 25% health

Juggernaut's Bring it On: Charged Juggernaut now also taunts nearby enemies, and increases armor by 20% of your total Strength.
This is a change that adds additional armor as a bonus to the taunt

Juggernaut's Ignore Pain:
While Juggernaut is active, you ignore 40% (ignores 65% for first 6 seconds if charged) of all incoming damage.
This is an increase from 20% and 30% when charged.