Theres about 2 weeks or more that warriors got a glitch that is buffing they A LOT on pvp... if you equip any of the glinstone weapons for warrior at level 46 then you equip a bonesaw level 41 the correct was reduct the armor and increasse damage/DPS right? But theres a glitch ... if the warrior equip the level 46 glinstone weapon then equip the bonesaw level 41 the armor from glinstone does not change but it adds damage... whit that glitch i found warriors with 800+ damage 3000+ armor and 8000+ HP using the benefits owned by glitching... like that pvp keep unfair for mages and rogues because warriors got several defense and damage from that glitch...
Sorry for my bad english... i still learning it... but please STS... fix it... its unfair