so, let us look at this from both sides.

also, remiem is investigating, figured I would just share my opinion

what was the issue?
people thought brood lock recipes would be usable after event ended.
which they were not.

so, yes, this did cost alot of players possible money because they invested in hundreds of recipes.

but, who is to blame?

STS did not specify whether or not they would be craftable after the event.
so anyone that bought all these recipes were operating under the assumption that they would be like spider locks.

what is wrong with that?

if you look at all events that included event crates, only one has allowed crafting of locks after the end of said event. Which was the recent Halloween event.

looking at it from that perspective, that means part of the blame is on the players who only assumed, and didnt not do these actions under the absolute fact that they would be.

part of the blame is on STS for not specifying IF they would be craftable.

BUT. Every single player who bought recipes in bulk thinking they would be craftable took a gamble. Because there was nothing whatsoever stating they would be craftable.

in conclusion, STS could have specified that they would or would not be craftable, but they did not. Which affected some peoples gamble badly. But most of the blame is put onto the players that did stock those recipes.

on the simple basis of past events, all but one was different when it came to locks. Knowing that you made a bad gamble still... why you did that? I have no idea. Maybe you thought they changed the mechanism permanently due to basing your thoughts and expectations off the Halloween event

I have never seen STS say anything about permanently changing the mechanism of lock crafting.

those are the facts. I did not make this post to cause drama, just to put as much info out there as to what has happened, and to possibly get reasonable feedback on to the thoughts of those that invested so much into the recipes.