Quote Originally Posted by Elleabridges View Post
Th a k you very helpful

Quote Originally Posted by Zuma Wheelzz View Post
excuse me, where do i farm ingots?
Well I'm not sure which Ingots you mean as there are Planarite Ingots and Nomerite Ingots. Both of them are crafted from other materials so you don't really "farm" the Ingots you collect the ingredients needed to craft them.
Planarite ingots are purchased from Mercier in the Planar Tombs (found in the City of Kelys, turn right soon as you enter the map and you will see the entrance), you can purchase one ingot once you have 100 Planar Fragments (check in your inventory in "satchel" to see how many you have). Planar fragments can be found in Planar Tombs maps and can also be crafted from 15 Planar essence (also found in the Planar Tombs maps and received for completing the Planar Tombs daily quest). 15 Planar essence will make you one Planar fragment.
Nomerite Ingots are what are used to craft the Legendary Orcslaying gears (that once completed leads on to the mythic Glintstone quest). These can be purchased from Trader Klassi in Garetta Village, once you have 30 Orc tags you can buy One Nomerite Ingot. Orc tags are earned by completing the quests from Stallon the Fearless, Elvene and Guard Bervel in Garetta village, there are 3 quests to get and you can do these everyday.
Hope this helps