Quote Originally Posted by Titanium View Post
Throwing back 3 years ago. It's true . I started twinking and I stopped at 800 kills and 60 deaths. I remember those times like it was yesterday. But please explain to me "recall your own history". The screenshot is not fake. Every guild has bad apples. And yea, I'm talking about dummy farming there. U know it was very popular and maybe still is, I didn't try to twink to check up on people after so much time. One thing was for sure, i met people at twinks level who were dummy farming and selling accounts with pvp kills, correct ? Before recalling my history please be careful who you are talking about.
I know ur history pretty clear and I know what that oldest historic twin guild holds now at level 9/10/11. Btw Back at level 36 endgame I was at ur guild along with LAV. And Mr. Forumer I know what I'm talking. Don't make me dig in history more. U had a level 5 rogue and yea ur kills were 8,000 not 800 (u forgot a zero there). Let me recall u once again what forums are for?
Constructive Information n discussion is what's it for not for constant attack on some group or somebody in particular. Had a little respect u since I was one of ur old mate but I hate to see u this way at this time. Man U got changed completely. But anyway good luck with that.