With the new jewel system , we can always spend gold ( or just farm for a couple of months to get a jewels that's by one stat better XDXD ) to get better jewels and improve our stats , that nice . But this also means that one single mythic item will need 24 hours to be upgraded on all 3 slots ... If somebody wants to add new jewels/gems to their mythic set , it will take around 2 days only on upgrade time ( due to limited crafting slots ) . So the player will be basicly unable to play for 2 days , this is especially annoying on events ( I think most people avoid upgrading their gear during event , but still ) . I know we get those special weekends where upgrade time is instant , but those happen 1-2 times a year. I think we need a shorter upgrade time on our items , nobody of all the people I know spends plat to instantly complete the upgrade , so the profit of sts won't be affected by a lot , while our gaming experience will become much better . ( I also remember 1st slot used to take 8 hours , 2nd 12h and 3th 1d 12h , but let's not talk about that XD )