Hello Folks!
I reached lvl77 on one of my characters. This raises few questions... What now? Do i make mad dash towards Lvl80? Should i stay as Lvl77 for a while? Obviously, as PVE journey nears the end I should start focusing on PVP. There is this thing that bugs me about end game PVP... It is impossible to get 3pc ring of valiant glory, it is also impossible to combine 2 piece ring with dragon ring. This is disadvantage vs long time players. Is this really a big disadvantage? Warat or Arzac sets are soo expensive that i think it will take years to churn up enough gold for those. If i decide to stay as lvl77 for now, is it worth saving for Lustrous item set? Is it better than L77 elite gears? Is there anything else to do at end game other than farming and PVP?