Quote Originally Posted by Juicymango View Post
I will join s well! I just need a good idea hehe
I just have some quick questions:

*Is there any exact size either the logo or the banner requires?
*Should the banner and the logo be the same image just with different sizes, or different bit maybe similiar images?
*Does facebook Support .png images?

Thank you
hehe take your time (;
-the perfect sizes would be: profile pic: square & cover photo: 851x315 (if you don't exactly hit those messurements, thats no big deal as i will crop it the way it still looks good, but the closer it gets, the better it would be
-i don't want to give too much info on this, but for example something like this would be cool: a logo which clearly lets people know that my pages name is Funtastic and the cover photo could be similiar in style (but not the same one pls) and it could also have the logo in one corner, but all that is NO must
-and yes png works perfectly

i hope that answered your questions