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Thread: Pocket Legends: Alterra at War Episode 3: Skies of Death Chapter 3: To Balefort!

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    Default Pocket Legends: Alterra at War Episode 3: Skies of Death Chapter 3: To Balefort!

    Pocket Legends: Alterra at War
    Episode 3: Skies of Death
    Chapter 3: To Balefort!

    Red biplanes flew everywhere like flies feasting on a rotting carcass, striking down for little pieces of flesh. Flames licking sandbags and wooden planks from the bottom of the trenches as dark smoke flew into the sky. DA mercenaries yelling for more reinforcements as the earth rumbled like an earthquake. DA support troops carrying bags of arrows inside. Others were driving horses with wooden wagons as several armed Dark Alterran Ursans were marching to the trenches. Few of the support troops were carrying the deceased away from the battlefield.
    Mikhailov: “We will never see that brave soldier again, but we will create history, in the world of Alterra! Bomb those foul demons into the abyss!”
    Another biplane dove into the ground, but just about he was about to fire, two flaming explosives were flying straight at the biplane. BOOM! Target hit! The both wings of the biplane exploded into pieces of burnt scraps and flames. Now, zero percent chance to survive this plane crash! The engine groaned like an exhausted, depressed soldier after his intense battle. When the DA heard the biplane roaring, they looked up at the sky. With their horrors on their faces, they ran quickly and took cover, as the biplane sank that was near to the trench. KA-BOOM! The biplane blew into smithereens as the flames soared into the air.
    UUSR Soldier #1: “Commander, we lost two of the fighters! We only have three of your remaining fighters!”
    Mikhailov: “It matters not! If we die, they will die too! Just like I said, their trenches will be their graves! Dive! SHOOT!”
    Suddenly, a bulb light illuminated in my head. As I dove down, wind blew down into my face as I gained speed. That moment, ZOOM! The biplane soared into the air so high, the anti-aircraft artillery couldn’t receive a direct hit. Anger melted my fear and my forehead kept sweated quickly. Rage burned me like a house into ashes. I wanted to bomb them. I wanted to gun them down until I can see blood. I could’ve just dive down for a suicide air attack, but the comrades needs me.
    Mikhailov: “Comrade! What do you think you’re doing?!”
    I was too busy to reply since my anger flooded me. Up, up, up… Then, ZoooOOOM!!! The crimson biplane performed a full loop and dived down so fast, I don’t even know when to stop! The engine roared loudly like the croc I fought in the border of Dark Forest. Target spotted at 12 o'clock! The bomb bay doors opened, and the bomb dropped into its death. The pillbox smashed into big pieces of bricks as they flew and hit one of the DA soldiers. The troops that were inside, only one of them escaped from the flaming bunker as his dark, bloody skin was getting roasted by the flames.
    Mikhailov: *laughs* “You are really excellent at dive bombing! Maybe you will be the head of the Air-Force, Hero of Rushia. Wipe them all out!”
    Meanwhile on the battlefield, the Rushians fired with their rifles and machine guns, while others threw molotov cocktails. Behind the destroyed armored car, one officer was calling the artillery on the field telephone for air support.
    UUSR Officer: “Hello?! I need artillery! We’re sitting ducks, and I want to blast those disgusting creatures right now!”
    UUSR Artillery Officer: “What?! I can’t hear you! Speak up! What is happening?!”
    UUSR Artillery Officer: “Artillery?! Alright, what kind of artillery do you need?!”
    UUSR Officer: “The rockets! The rockets! Hundreds of them! I want to see no Dark Alterran alive in their trenches! SHOOT THEM NOW! GIVE THEM NO MERCY!”
    UUSR Artillery Officer: “The rockets, you say? Alright! You’ll see the rockets in the sky! Thank you for responding!” *ends message*
    Up in the sky, while I was fighting on my biplane, Millions of flying rockets were flying and diving down straight at the trenches. As the officer looked up in the sky, his face was with relief and satisfaction.
    UUSR Officer: “Oh, great. About time! Hold on, comrades! The trenches will turn into mounds of ashes! WATCH OUT!”
    KA-BOOM! BAM! CRASH! BOOM! K-POW! Dozens of rockets crashed into the trenches. Huge explosions erupted as my face heated from the sun. One by one, one of the DA soldiers retreated, but they were already turned into ashes immediately. It even fired straight at the artillery soldiers. Time flew, so did the rockets. The towers no longer stood, and so did the bunkers. Smoke flew around as the flames raged more. About a minute or so, the trenches were coated in dark ashes. Not even a single DA soldier was alive. All of them were transformed into burnt, dark skeletons. Later, everything was still, as smoke still surrounded the trenches. Suddenly, the Rushians cheered as they passed the trenches, checking to see if few of the DA has survived.
    Mikhailov: “Soldiers of Rushia, I thank you all of you for your bravery. We have lost many soldiers, but their bravery will be never forgotten! Comrades, return to our base! Tomorrow, we will arrive at the train station!”
    As the soldiers cheered for their second victory, the rest of the biplanes formed a V-shape and returned to our base as the golden sun rose over the mountains…

    Train Station, Dark Forest
    As our boots stepped on the wooden planks of the train station, I was in the front, next to Mikhailov. The railroad was on the carpet of gray pebbles as the raindrops dropped to the floor like a vase shattered into pieces. Hundreds of bears armed with bolt action rifles equipped with their bayonets arrived, ready to demolish our foes when they’ll arrive at Balefort as they chattered. Suddenly, our heads looked at the right of the track. A huge freight train roared as the white smoke puffed from its head. On top of the freight cars, there were sandbags and heavy machine guns as soldiers kept waving with their rifles and cheering with smiles on their faces. The freight train’s wheels screeched as sparks flew. The doors were already open and just about we were about to take a single step on the car, Mikhailov stopped and silenced them by shooting his black revolver into the air.
    Mikhailov: “Soldiers of Rushia! I have a new announcement to make before we arrive at the capital. I would like to introduce my most trusted comrade, the hero of Rushia!”
    The soldiers were cheering just like they did during after we invaded Dark Forest.
    Mikhailov: “I found him in the graves of Forest Haven after the first siege of Balefort. He suffered, but he did not give up! Many months, we have reached Dark Forest, all thanks to him!”
    Cheering made my face smile and wiped fear out of my mind.
    Mikhailov: “I tell you, if he wasn’t there for all of you comrades, how would we will win this war? Do you want them to reach our great union with their filthy, disgusting hands? NEVER!”
    Huge shouts and roars were spitting out from the soldiers as they made fists and created anger in their faces, but this made me very satisfied!
    UUSR Soldier #1: “Death to the witch, Silknight!”
    UUSR Soldier #2: “Let’s stab them with our bayonets until their blood spills to the ground!”
    Mikhailov: “That’s more like it! *looks at me* Don’t you agree, comrade?”
    I nodded.
    Mikhailov “When we arrive at the capital’s doorstep, they will have nowhere to run! To the train, but we must take a rest for tomorrow. You will receive no break when we arrive at Balefort…”
    Trucks arrived with crates of fresh food and water. As the support troops handed out to each one of the soldiers. As they crunched on the apples, some of them took a swig of ice cold water. Few of them were placing ammo clips into their rifles and attached bayonets on the barrels. Some of them were standing there, doing nothing as more reinforcements arrived.
    Mikhailov: *telling me* “When we’ll arrive, always follow my lead. Try not to get killed. I need you alive. Right now, take a rest.”
    An hour later, Mikhailov and the rest of the officers shouted to all soldiers to go to the train immediately.
    Mikhailov: “Comrade, the cars are full. You will join with us in the caboose.”
    I followed as I marched on the grass, mixed with stones and dirt. Inside the caboose, there were two beds on one side and another. Also, there were three officers, welcoming Mikhailov and me.
    UUSR Officer: “Ready to go to the capital, commander?”
    Mikhailov: “Go ahead.”
    The officer grabbed the radio telephone he spoke loudly.
    UUSR Officer: “Soldiers of the UUSR, we are heading to Balefort right now. I wish all of you soldiers to fight bravely.”
    The steel wheels chugged slowly like a tortoise. Then, they began to rotate quickly faster like a horse galloping in the golden fields. The train was ready to travel into the tunnel of darkness.
    Mikhailov: “As long you live, the heart of this army cannot be broken. You make us all proud.”
    Smiling, he turned his head looking at the window. The rest of the officers were doing the same exact thing, too. I placed my rifle at the corner as I lied down on the bed, thinking what could happen to us when we will arrive at the capital...

    To Be Continued...
    Last edited by RushalotPL; 12-02-2017 at 01:23 AM.


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