This morning, I logged into my Steam account to play some Civ 5. (yeah..)

When I went ahead and logged in, I typed in my password and just before I pressed Enter, I realised that it was deliberately incorrect.. as in the password was 2 letters shorter than what it should have been and I had used Caps Lock for more than half of it, which shouldn't have been on.

Then it just let me in to my Steam Account, even though the password I typed in was deliberately wrong.

It has also happened on the contrary; I type in my password, which is obviously correct, and check it by re-typing it in slowly, and it doesn't let me in, effectively locking me out of Steam.

Does this happen to any of you guys? I mean, it's not overly irritating when it lets me in from an incorrect password, but it's just heavily arduous when I have to go through a LOT of effort to get my Steam password changed, because it won't let me in from a correct password.