I reached level 55 and wasn't up for the grind to 56. I started thinking...what next? I decided to start working on getting gear for my mage. I wasn’t very lucky in getting “drops” and ended up purchasing most of the Mega Mage gear. A little costly but I was able to complete the set and get the nice little set bonus. I like the little sparkles.

So, what next? I started looking into crafting the gear. My thinking, end-state gear (end-state for now anyway) the additional work of getting recipes and then the material to craft…must be worth it. I’d looked at the crafted stats and was a little concerned but again I was thinking end-state gear, must be worth it. So I crafted the entire set. Nice little set bonus, little sparkles but OMG eleven on mana regen.

So that why I’m bummed…I put in a lot of effort in getting the gear, recipes and materials. I now guzzle mana pots faster than a wino guzzles a fresh bottle of Thunderbird. If there were an “uncraft option”, I would use it.

Anyway, love the game. I’m just saying…….