Quote Originally Posted by Pillowhead View Post
If it's for trying purposes only, why did you have to make then tradeable? Please those who got them are +250-300k now, and that IS unfair and yes, I did get keys..
Because they plan on making them tradeable when they are released in-game as a permanent fixture? It gave people that didn't receive them a chance to buy them and also gives feedback on how much they are and could be valued at? Not least to mention the fact that if plat buyers did randomly get keys and have no interest in using them they could sell them on/give them to a friend etc, what is so bad about that? Nobody is being forced to buy them, this is inevitably going to be a huge change to the game and something never seen before so it needs to be implemented right, finally f2p players will have a chance to open lockeds too and no doubt all anyone will want do is complain about the price lol!