Today i decided to convert my glinstone set to glinstone tokens to buy this dagger considered it give more armor and its 75% damage reduction then try it. This dagger ignition proc is awesome, but not being able to do anything when proc activated is so boring. I think its proc give bigger damage when deal with bunch of mobs, but do less damage when deal with one enemy, and we should wait until proc dissapear to do massive attack. But when proc activated again we just wait until proc dissapear again or let proc kill the enemy. This make us hard enough when facing boss with big health. Please at least make it able to do normal attack when proc active so we can kill faster instead of waiting. Waiting is boring,, lol...

And if possible maybe along with next elite underhaul maps coming make this dagger upgradeable to lvl 56. After this dagger upgraded make it can use any skill. I think this dagger will be a good choice to face elite map ( in case can be upgrade so we can use any skill after upgrade ). Good stats with DPS and armor boost, and awesome proc with 75% damage reduction. And, I like its design too..