Quote Originally Posted by TheClaaaaaaaw View Post
First off, thank you for making this thread and asking for our suggestions to be collected in one place. It's always great to see that you actually take the time to listen to us. As for your questions, like many before me already said:

1. Better inventory management. I've been playing AL for many years now, but clearing my inventory has not become any less tedious. Especially now with the new cap - it was almost more effort to clean my inventory after all the tomb runs than the leveling itself. Make all identical items stack (like energy kits or jewels) and make it possible to delete multiple items at once. That sould make playing the game significantly more convenient and fun.

2. I can only repeat what's already been said by almost everyone here for this point: More and better loot. I'm really hoping the crate keys will be obtainable through elite maps and I'd also like to see some exciting loot, like fossil and the planar pendant recipe were back when the planar arena was introduced.

Also, I would like an option to turn off the alert for "1 of your friends is online".

That's all from me and thanks again.
OMG.... Yes..... Thought it was just me.... That "1 of your friends is online" alert is soooooo annoying............. Sometimes it pops-up out of nowhere when you are in the middle of something, like a battle, for instance............