First off I got some ideas from many threads and pocket legends, so I gathered many skills from mages,rogues,warriors
Skills: Lightning, fire,arcane shield,gale force,time shift,ice,aimshot,razor shield,noxious bolt,shadow piercer,entangling trap,shadow storm, shadow viel,combat medic,skyward smash,chest splinter,HoR,vengeful blood,juggernaut, rallying cry,windmill, and last but not least Axe throw
Tornado: Effects: Arlorians will summon a small tornado capable of snaring, and stunning it will last 10 seconds,It will follow enemies and snare them just like entangling trap(but such as entangling trap it won't stay in one place ,cause the tornado will move...obviously lol
How to do it: The three class will team up and use gale force+windmill+razor shield

Boulder Crush effects: Arlorians will summon a big Boulder that will land on enemies around 6m that will stun, and damage enemies
How to do it: The three classes will use skyward smash, time shift,noxious bolt

Shockwave Effects: Arlorians will make a shockwave which will ,Dot,AoE, and Stun, this shockwave will be 8m
How to do it: Arlorians will have to be fast to use these skills, which will require for them to use it they will have to use lightning+gale force+razor shield+shadow piercer+skyward smash+windmill

AoE Effects: Arlorians will summon a AoE that will give them a temporary buff Stats:20Dex,Int,Str,150 armor ,10% crit and heal 150% per tick It will last around 10-15seconds idk
How to do it: To do this combo we will have to use shadow viel+Timeshift+rallying cry

I will add more........for now I just wanted to share some ideas of mine please tell me what you think of this xD PS: I tried to add almost most of the skills we use and add some good combos and stuff