So just an idea to throw out there.....What if once a month there was a week where we had throwback items (older vanities and pets for example from the past) placed into discontinued crates that are farmable
in a specific area.

What we get out of it is the chance to spend plat or keys and loot something we wish we had a chance at looting but cant because its discontinued.
What STS gets out of it is a constant stream of extra plat being spent each month.

Give the platinum based crate a slightly different name so it doesn't interfere with the normal crates and place only specific stuff in them so the other crates don't de-value.

Sooooo maybe I just want to see that amazing Locked Grand Crate of the Watch drop again from a reroll on a boss, thats not it wink, wink.

This is just an idea, maybe its crazy, maybe its not, but I always like throwing out different ideas. Let me know what you guys think about this or some other variant of this.