Does anyone know the difference between the Mega mage’s gemstone staff ( Req: Level 55, 173 Int 164-202 Damage, 1.1 Speed, 12 Int, 8 M/s, 18 Armor Levels: 51, 53, 55 - From The Cockroach) and the Mega mage’s gem blast staff ( Req: Level 55, 173 Int 161-184 Damage, 1.1 Speed, 12 Int, 8 M/s, 10 Armor Levels: 51, 53, 55 -From The Cockroach & The Goblin King) aside from the listed stats? Do either of these cause AOE damage?
I am in need a new AOE'er since hitting 55. I am currenrly using the Keeper's staff of Cosmos. If anyone has a suggestion about a better staff that is not mentioned, please fill me in.