I find it hard to get people to start playing AL because of the massive XP amounts needed to level. I think it could easily be made way more ressonable by making every level till cap of last expansion 1k per level (in this case level 46). I know XP is there so that people don't get to end game without knowing anything, but that would still be 45k xp to get to previous cap and to get to 56 now it is over 100k XP. I completely doubt anyone will get to end game and not know anything after grinding almost 200k XP. As for gear yes it does make a bit of a problem for new players leveling in worse gear, but this could easily be fixed by adding more free simi decent gear into the questlines for expansions. For people that have paid plat to level in the past (i have also) sts can maybe give them a few items for their loss (tbh i don't care if they do i am fine with it either way).