I just wan't to clarify, is botting, the same as macro? I know macro is basicly repeating the same stroke/movement of mouse or keyboard. I had a idea of a way to atleast stop macros. I realized the spawn in area for The Wilds, tindrin is almost exactly the same exact pixel. I was thinking there could possibly be the use of random spawn areas. Like having people spawn very differently, and randomly, however still near the auctual spawn. So basicly a spawn radius (big enough so macro users won't be able to repeat the same task without getting stuck to a ledge) where a player can spawn anywhere as long as in the spawn area. Having this will definitely stop wild macro users. Also, the barriers in wilds, is also great for stopping macros users when random spawn location is use. This suggestion probally means rework for all maps, but maps which are more likely to be macro-ed such as wilds, can be worked on first.