i know this has been raised before (particularly eloquently by maarkus), but i feel like we never really got a response from sts. basically, what gives with warrior weapons? i'm using lvl 46 mythic aegis, which is infinitely superior to lvl 51 mythics in both stats and proc. those 51 mythics are so terrible, i truly can't get my head around what the intention was. is it an overreaction to the relative OPness of arcane sword and aegis?

nor are there any decent legendary weapons for warrior either, the rengol legendaries are better than cryo legendaries. for mage and rogue, legendary weapons 51+ offer dmg equivalent to lvl 46 mythics- sure, you lose the proc and some other stats but they're still a viable option for those with less gold or just for variety or a challenge. new warrior mythics and 51+ legendaries have hundreds less armor and hp than the aegis, (like up to 500-600 less hp and 200-300 less armor), only offering tiny dmg gains, if any.

my warrior is only lvl 49, as it is not my main, so i'm just levelling him now. i heard that new arcanes will released in the next event 3-4 weeks (ursoth?) which i surmise will be lvl 51 arcanes, thus preserving the possibility of a later wave of 56 arcanes perhaps (particularly if the 51 arcanes are bow/gun/sword & shield weapons, which would mean they could still be competitive against lvl 56 dagger/staff/maul type). i hope sts takes all this into account when designing the next round of weapon releases!

what do you think?