Quote Originally Posted by Zylx View Post
Again, as i have said before, this game is not owned by you. Spacetime has the sole right to do whatever they want with the game. Whether or not they take feedback from angry and belligerent people is entirely up to them, but they are not entitled to please you.

There is really nothing you can do. The best thing to do is to just constructively say you do not agree with it and either move on and enjoy what you can from the game, or work yourself up over something so silly and what you cant control.

Life is too short to get upset about a game. If you do not like it, as someone once told me, then please move on to something else.

Retired? When does one's philosophy become nullified just because they stopped playing? Im not the one demanding changes in the game, im just persuading a change in attitude, which in no way do i need to be playing something to do.

You're looking at the glass half-empty.
"they arent suppose to please players" " they dont have to take feedback" " if you dont like it leave game"
why am i forced to leave after so much efford time money spent on this? how this is fair you dont get whats going on? open your eyes