Hi all

I am launching the Court of Alterra:

We (judges) will hear cases/disputes between players. There have been many cases where misunderstandings have occured between players that could have been solved peacefully but ended badly.

The Court of Alterra will be the bridge between players and devs, if you have a problem with another player, you can submit your case to the court.
The court will then hear both sides of the case and make a decision.

Your cases will be heard and decided upon by the Guardians of Alterra.

This is a peaceful method to solve disputes, just the other day I solved a 1.4 million gold trade mistake.... Both parties where happy. WE CAN HELP!!!

I will be developing a site for people to submit their disputes, but until then, please private message me with the following details:

In game name:
In game name of other party:
Dispute description:

We will try to hear all cases ASAP!